
From Osborn Maledon

The legal services needed to successfully launch and grow a new enterprise in a flat-rate, package deal.


For over 25 years,

Osborn Maledon has delivered everything start-up founders need to successfully launch and grow a new enterprise.

See Our Client Successes

What We Offer

OM Launch! provides all of the following benefits to founders of selected qualified startups for a single, flat program fee:

Experienced Partner Strategic Coaching

Up to 3 half-day sessions with an experienced partner for coaching, review of business plan, pitch deck, executive summary, financing strategy, and related start-up priorities.

Investor-Ready Company Structure and Documents

Advice and documents for optimal company structure, formation, and governance from lawyers with deep start-up experience, including charter/bylaws or operating agreements; option plan and award agreements; NDAs; employment offer letters; proprietary rights agreements; independent consulting agreements; and necessary agreements among founders.

Custom Services

10 hours of custom services tailored to your startup.

Discounted Rates

For any requested services not covered by the program fee during the year-long program, you will receive a 10% discount on normal OM billing rates.

Menu Of Custom Services

One-year program fee covers up to 10 additional hours of any other legal service(s) the client requests, such as:

  • Advice and strategy for business model implementation with vendors, customers, channels.
  • Website terms and conditions and privacy advice.
  • Human resources documentation and counseling.
  • Experienced partner participation in up to four scheduled meetings of founders or Board of Directors.

What to Expect

OMLaunch! offers two flat-fee programs for our start-up clients. Our experience is that the fee covers all services likely to be needed during a start-up’s first year of operation (excluding a “good news event” such as an angel financing or early exit). Additionally, the start-up client pays all out-of-pocket costs, as they are incurred. During the 1-year program term, excess fees incurred (outside of the program offering) will be charged at a discounted hourly rate of 90% of OM’s regular rates.

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